Friday, May 11, 2007

"Makin gemuk, makin gemuk!"

A colleague said he hadn't seen me in a while and already, he said " aku nampak badan nko mcm makin gemuk, makin gemuk je" he used the word 'gemuk' twice in a sentence! man, i've gotta start doing something.

i browsed through to personalize my 11week training program... because, besides the fact that I have some salvation to do to my fat-ass, I am also planning to join these races:

14-15 July: Johor Eco Challenge
21-22 July: PD triathlon
28-29 July: Raja Melewar International challenge
11-12 Aug: Perak Orienteering Challenge
18-19 Aug: Perak Nature Quest
25-26 Aug: Perhentian Island Outdoor Quest
21-25 Oct: Kedah Eco Championship