Sunday, January 27, 2008

Great Eastern Run Pics

Pics courtesy of Jason Lee/ Hon You from pacesetters club:

GE 20K Start

Anne Qi Hui Date: won women open 30k

Devamani Sothie: running barefoot, 2nd place women veteren 30k

Hafiz Wong and Shahrulhaizy

Don Khor

Cecil Cheong

Shahrom Awea

Mariana: women open 20k, 3rd place

fong running the 30k

me running the 20k with a 30k bib number that ash gave me 5minutes before start. That's how I get a free PowerGel at 10km mark. Would have died without it. hehe. managed 17th placing with a timing of 2 hour 04 minutes.

the 30k and 20k finishing

one for the sponsors. Thank you PowerBar